Monday, October 18, 2010


It was great!! Soooo busy. We had so many lessons with people and so many great experiences. This past week lessons and the usual stuff aside we had our temple trip. It was great. I love the temple. Especially the Houston temple. I always learn so much while I am there. There is so much that I still have to learn and so much of the gospel that I still need to study. It always blows my mind how much stuff is in the gospel. No other church has the understanding that is available in the true church of Jesus Christ. I love learning. That is one of the largest things that has changed about me since I have been out. I know a lot more about the gospel and I am a lot better at studying and learning. I love learning. There is so much out there that you can learn you just have to take the time and figure it all out.

Anyways, the temple was beautiful. I loved it. Sadly there was no time for pictures seeing how we were the last ones out of the temple. We had to leave and go back to our areas an hour away. So it wasn't too long of a drive. It would have been about a 2 1/2 hour drive from the temple to Bay City. So I was lucky. The temple is so great. I wish that everybody would just go more. I would go every week if I could but we can't. It is such a great place where the spirit is strong and there is so much peace and reverence. I hope to be able to live close to a temple when I am older and settled after school and such. I just love it. It is worth all of the sacrifices that we have to make for worthiness to be able to enter into the Lord's house.

On top of the marvelous temple trip we had our interviews this past week with President Saylin. He is a great man. I love him so much and he has done so much for me. He is so service filled and every time I talk with him all I see is a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He lives the gospel to it's fullest and you can tell in his behavior and his countenance. He is a great man. He reminds me of my father.

Our interview went well. We had the interviews at the Friendswood building. There was an activity that night while we were waiting for the other missionaries to have their interviews. So I got to see a number of members from Friendswood that I have not seen in about 6 months. It was so great to see so many members that are close to my heart. As well as Patience Stodard. She was baptized just after my leaving the area. We taught her for 6 months and she is doing soooo great. Her and her husband are coming to church every week and now she has a calling in the primary. They have been coming to church for about a year now and it is so great to see what the gospel has done for them. Their testimony all began when they made coming to church a priority in their lives. I saw their family come closer together, more happiness in their marriage, and a stable life all come from coming to church every single week and making the Lord and his commandments a priority in their lives. Church is that important. I love to see what the gospel has done for those who I am privileged to work with. I see the Lord's hand in changing peoples lives for the better if they just give up living the way they think they should live or want to live and follow the Savior in all things. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and what it has done for me. It has saved me from problems that I never thought I could get away from. I know that God lives and that he is willing to forgive us if we repent and change for Him. I love that he loves us.

There are many things that I could talk about in this email. A lot happened this week. But to cut on time I will just say this. The Lord is behind everything that he needs to be done. He made what we thought to be impossible this week possible and he led us even when we did not know it. It was easily one of the best weeks of my mission. I know that God is real. I know that the promise in the Book of Mormon is a promise. It is not just an idea. If you ask God with a sincere heart with faith in Christ and be willing to follow that answer than the Lord will answer that prayer through the Holy Ghost. The same feeling that we get that encourages us to believe in Jesus Christ. I know that this promise is true. It is not a frenzied mind that gives this feeling. I know the difference. You cannot force the spirit. But it will come to you when you ask with a sincere heart. I know that this promise in Moroni chapter 10 is true because I have done it myself and others have done it and they get the same answer that I do.

I am sorry that this is so short. I love you all and the work is going great here in Pasadena. I love you all and have a great week.



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